After nearly 21 days, Pakistani Youtubers Sohaib Chaudhary and Sana Amjad have appeared on there respective Youtube channels, quashing rumors that they were hanged or killed by the Pakistan Army. However, both Youtubers have shared some spine-chilling details as to what happened to them and why.

What happened to Sohaib Chaudhary?

Sohaib Chaudhary has claimed that he was illegally picked up by goons that acted on behalf of a political party. The Youtuber alleged that he was kept in harsh environments and faced death like situations where he feared for his survival. He clarified that the whole ordeal was created by powerful politicians who wanted the Youtuber to join their party.

And he opines that while he may have escaped the situation for now but the rumors of his death may become true sooner than later. Sohaib has promised to reveals details about his illegal detainment and circumstances on how he was kept for the last 21 days.

“I was picked up goons of political party and their intent was to make me join their party because my popularity is increasing in Pakistan. They thought that I will be making my own party in future therefore either make me join their party or just shut down his work. I was pressurized in every possible manner.” said Sohaib Chaudhary in an emotional outburst in his latest video.

Sama Amjad Also Returns Alive

Like Sohaib Chaudhary, Sana Amjad has too uploaded a video on her channel after 21 days where she opines how badly she was tortured for three weeks. Sana has claimed that after suffering the ordeal, she has now become more fearless and will continue to make videos like before.

The Youtuber alleges that unknown men raided her house and enquired her 60 year old mother about the whereabouts of Sana Amjad. The men threatened Sana Amjad’s mother that failing to provide details about her daughter would result in detainment of her son (Sana Amjad’s brother).

Sana has vowed to reveals details of her suffering which she and her family has endured in the last 21 days however she has not revealed details of her detainment. She has however claimed that she is being torutured, her family is getting pressurized and there are powers that want her Youtube channel to be shut down.

“Today, I am risking myself by making this video for the love and support of my fans. I am under lot of pressure but still I am making this video after 21 days to let you know that I am Ok. I have not been encountered and neither I have been hanged but yes I am getting tortured, my family is getting pressurized.” Sana opined on his Youtube Channel.

Sana has thanked the Indian media for running stories regarding the dissappearance of her and Sohaib Chaudhary and has strongly criticised the Pakistani media for not raising voice about the illegal detainment that she and Sohaib suffered.

Sana Amjad’s Mother in Critical Condition

In an emotional outburst in her video, Sana revealed that her mother is in critical condition following the whole ordeal and that the Youtuber remain tight-lipped for 21 days because of her mother only. The news of Sana Amjad’s mother in critical condition was also confirmed by Sohaib Chaudhary in his video.

Who is Sohaib Chaudhary?

The Pakistani Youtuber is known for his pro-India stance often challenging the beliefs of common Pakistani related to history about Kashmir. Sohaib in many of his videos could be seen praising India for its economic prosperity and development. He on multiple occasions have openly praised Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

With social media platform like Youtube, content creators are often able to influence their audiences and the fraternity of Pakistan Politics understands that the public if exposed to Pro-India content would not only the held the Pakistani government more accountable but may even retaliate with strong action. This is why an unspoken rule exists for Pakistani Content creators for not creating content which shows India in superior light.

“Could be last video” : Sana Amjad & Sohaib Chaudhary warns about fear of death

Both Sohaib and Sana are known to make pro-India stance videos and have faced criticism on social media from the Pakistani public for praising India. In the videos both Sana and Sohaib claims that they both will taking risks for revealing details as to what happened to them and that this could be their last video on Youtube.


In Pakistan political fraternity, there have always been talks about the repurcussions of Moral Compass if anyone speaks Pro-India stance, especially on matters related to Kashmir. There have been instances in the past when news channels have faced challenges whenever they have carried stories which were not aligned with the Pakistani military. In the coming days, Sohaib Chaudhary and Sana Amjad have vowed to release details of what exactly happened with them and from what both have shared in their latest video, it seems certain that both Youtubers fear of their life and of possible repurcussions if they reveal the details.